Welcome to Sefton Local Medical Committee

Sefton LMC is the elected, statutory body representing and supporting local member GPs in the borough of Sefton.

Welcome to Sefton Local Medical Committee

This website provides advice, guidance and information to member GPs on their contracts, NHS regulations and issues affecting general practice.

Welcome to Sefton Local Medical Committee

Please feel free to contact us about any aspect of the website or to provide us with feedback on the content.

Sefton Local Medical Committee (LMC) is the elected, statutory body representing and supporting local member GPs in the borough of Sefton.

This guidance has been produced by the General Practitioners Committee to help GPs and Local Medical Committees by explaining LMCs’ role under the new GMS contract. It is one in a series of GPC guidance notes on the new contract. Click here for details

Getting the message across to patients and public

GPC has produced campaign posters, presentation slides and infographics

SEFTON LMC HOT -GP Contract 24 / 25 Campaign- Bulletin

GP Partners/Principals/Contractors – the ballot to save general practice has opened.

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to date.

GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners – If Not Now, When?

This info gram has been designed by the BMA to explain why GPs must proceed with taking action to save general practice.

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

SEFTON LMC HOT -GP Contract 24 / 25 Campaign- Bulletin

GP Partners/Principals/Contractors – the ballot to save general practice has opened.

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to date.

GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners – If Not Now, When?

This info gram has been designed by the BMA to explain why GPs must proceed with taking action to save general practice.

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

GP contract 2024 -25: Dispute

A short video by Dr Katie Bramhall- Stainer Chair of the GPC commenting on the referendum outcome

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to

It is vital that you keep your BMA membership details up to date.

GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners – If Not Now, When?

This info gram has been designed by the BMA to explain why GPs must proceed with taking action to save general practice.

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

GP contract 2024 -25: Dispute

A short video by Dr Katie Bramhall- Stainer Chair of the GPC commenting on the referendum outcome

Introductory Term in Psychosexual Medicine

The institute of Psychosexual medicine is running and introductory term of learning and includes places for GPs

GPC England ballot for GP contractors / partners – If Not Now, When?

This info gram has been designed by the BMA to explain why GPs must proceed with taking action to save general practice.

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

GP contract 2024 -25: Dispute

A short video by Dr Katie Bramhall- Stainer Chair of the GPC commenting on the referendum outcome

Introductory Term in Psychosexual Medicine

The institute of Psychosexual medicine is running and introductory term of learning and includes places for GPs

Sefton LMC GP Contract 24-25 Bulletin Referendum

The GPC/BMA referendum on the Govt/NHSE contract proposals is underway- your
GP vote on these proposals really matters.

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Ballot will be open for GP contractors / partners across England, from Monday 17 June, closing 29 July

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

GP contract 2024 -25: Dispute

A short video by Dr Katie Bramhall- Stainer Chair of the GPC commenting on the referendum outcome

Introductory Term in Psychosexual Medicine

The institute of Psychosexual medicine is running and introductory term of learning and includes places for GPs

Sefton LMC GP Contract 24-25 Bulletin Referendum

The GPC/BMA referendum on the Govt/NHSE contract proposals is underway- your
GP vote on these proposals really matters.

GP Contract 2024

Practices will have received from Amanda Doyle a letter (attached) setting out the key elements

Pressures in General Practice- the facts and figures

The latest GP workforce figures for England show the number of patients per practice is rising

GP Contract dispute – Ballot of GPs for Action

Following the overwhelming referendum result which saw GPs reject the GP Contract

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce

NHS statistics continue to show a shrinking GP workforce,

Medical Examiner scheme – postponed again.

the health minister has announced that the statutory introduction of these changes will be delayed until 9 September,

Seniority Payments – reconciliation – PCSE notices to practices

Practices may have received a notice from PCSE claiming that an overpayment of Seniority Allowances has occurred!

GP contract 2024 -25: Dispute

A short video by Dr Katie Bramhall- Stainer Chair of the GPC commenting on the referendum outcome

Introductory Term in Psychosexual Medicine

The institute of Psychosexual medicine is running and introductory term of learning and includes places for GPs

Sefton LMC GP Contract 24-25 Bulletin Referendum

The GPC/BMA referendum on the Govt/NHSE contract proposals is underway- your
GP vote on these proposals really matters.

GP Contract 2024

Practices will have received from Amanda Doyle a letter (attached) setting out the key elements

Medical Examiner Service April 2024

The Medical Examiner service will formally commence on 1 April 2024. PODCAST

Sefton LMC Vacancies